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dc.contributor.authorConrado, Maria-
dc.contributor.authorRibeiro da Silva, Tânia-
dc.contributor.authorPinheiro, Ana-
dc.identifier.citationConrado, M., Ribeiro da Silva, T., & Pinheiro, A. (2024). Interact or interfere? Interactions between an early childhood educator and children. In ICERI2024 Proceedings, (pp. 2191-2196).
dc.description.abstractChildren are more subordinate to adult time than ever before. Safeguarding children's rights means more than intervening, taking their needs and interests into account. It means that children can influence space and materials that surround them. Underpinned by a qualitative, phenomenological-interpretative methodology, this study is based on an educational intention based on the principle of creating learning opportunities and on theoretical references that advocate valuing an intervention in early childhood education that respects the child as a considered person, capable of making decisions, expressing opinions and taking concrete and consequent action on their learning. We have thus defined the general objective that guides the fieldwork: to create a framework of strategies for developing dynamics outdoors, building an outdoor room with the children. Data collection is supported by direct observation (through written, video, image and audio records) and indirect observation through the application of an interview with the aim of collecting the children's narratives about their play and the possibility of transferring the normal activity room to the outdoors. Data shows that the adult's choices radically interfere with the way children behave and interact with others. Strategies applied and improved by the educators are the result of the constant reflection on practice that characterises this work. It also reflects on children's behaviour in relation to one of the great dilemmas of educational practice in early childhood education: to interact or to interfere?pt_PT
dc.subjectAgência da criançapt_PT
dc.subjectEducação de infância -- 3-6 anospt_PT
dc.subjectDireitos da criançapt_PT
dc.titleInteract or interfere? Interactions between an early childhood educator and childrenpt_PT
degois.publication.locationSeville, Spainpt_PT
degois.publication.title17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. ICERI2024 Proceedingspt_PT
Appears in Collections:Artigo publicado numa revista

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