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Title: Travelling and the well-being of the elderly: expectations and risks
Authors: Carvalho, Adalberto Dias de
Gonçalves, José Luís
Samagaio, Florbela
Keywords: Viagens turísticas - idosos
Casas de repouso
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Carvalho, A., Gonçalves, J. L., & Samagaio, F. (2025). Travelling and the well-being of the elderly: expectations and risks. Research in Hospitality Management, 15(1), 58–62.
Abstract: The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of tourist travel for the well-being of older people byidentifying some of the psycho-sociological components of their decision-making processes in the context of nursinghomes and the family, with reference to the values and difficulties that may either motivate or affect them. Given thetrend towards an increase in the percentage of the elderly population in our societies, and with the anthropological,sociological and ethical questions that this raises, it is very important to consider crucial aspects in contemporaryresearch, especially those related to their well-being, including leisure travel. The practical component of this studyis part of a qualitative research methodology, which before taking the existence of social facts for granted, aims tounderstand the participants’ perceptions of the world. KEYWORDS: care homes; happiness; constraints; isolation; mobility
Peer reviewed: yes
ISSN: 2415-5152
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Appears in Collections:Artigo publicado numa revista

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